Authentic olive oil

Germán Baena Olivarera Cooperative had been dedicated to the production and packaging of virgin and extra virgin olive oil since 1972. Currently it lias 730 cooperative members who grow their olive trees and the ways of using this ancient tree, the symbol of peace and solidarity, the tree of light and truth, in the different civilizations throughout the history, with sustainable forms of production, without the loss of resources, connecting with the territory and the Environment, linked to it and its culture, in order to achieve a differentiated and recognized quality in the multitude of awards and distinctions that Germán Baena has achieved throughout its operation.

With the conviction that in the olive grove everything is order and beauty, richness and diversity, all the men and women who with their daily work, are impregnated with the strength of the olive grove, strive to produce quality oils, knowing that olive and time is linked, learned the lesson of patience, the time of the growth of this tree, they can assert that where there is an olive tree, there is a place of memory and belonging to the community.

The greatness and immensity of these olive groves, produced of the men, is the constant for these cooperative members of Germán Baena, who know the values such as cooperation, solidarity and training. Values of permanence, commitment and participation in the territory, with a strong social character, trying to increase the economic activity of these olive groves, with sustainability, and knowing that quality is the only alternative for these territories, which could not compete in costs, with other more productive and mechanized areas in other parts of the world.

And so, creations of the olive grove and its culture made this oil, was a true fruit juice, packaged in its two flagship brands: Duque de Baena and Germán Baena, preserving all its nutritional components of high interest, such as antioxidants, vitamins and provitamins. And of course, a set of proven nutritional benefits for the heart and cardiovascular risk reducers, due to its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, antioxidant substances, vitamin E and carotenes.

The best oil

The best oil

Germán Baena has been considered by numerous juries as one of the best oils in the world. Thus, the company has achieved awards from very demanding degustators. Among these awards are... See more

A huge production

A huge production

Germán Baena's average production is 18,000,000 to 20,000,000 kilos of olives, which is equivalent to 4,000,000 or 4,500,000 kilos of the best virgin olive oil... See more

Recognized quality

Recognized quality

The quality of Germán Baena oils is recognized by the large distribution companies, such as Corte Inglés and... See more